He was born in Englewood, New Jersey in U.S. He is an American actor, singer and dancer. John first became famous in 1970s, after appearing on the television series Welcome back, Kotter and starting in the

box office successes Saturday Night Fever and Grease. John Joseph Travolta’s acting career declined through the 1980s. His career enjoyed a resurgence in the 1990s with his role in Pulp Fiction, and he has continued to star in more recent films such as Face/Off, Wild Hogs, and Swordfish .

Yes, those are real airplanes. When invited to a party at the Travolta residence, please permit two hours for security. place all of your belongings on the x-ray conveyor . Remove all the laptops and cell phone from their bags. All liquids should be 3 or or less and in an approved plastic bag. If you want a Coke, peanuts, or a bag of chips, that will be $3.

The in-flight movies are Pulp Fiction, Grease, and Hairspray , John Travolta made a lot of money from his work so he builds the house which costed him $12.5 million dollars In the house there is parking for his Boeing 707 that bears the name Jett Clipper Ella in honor of his children and Gulfstream jets , and a 16-car garage. The house costed John Travolta $12.5 million dollar, Do not be surprised, John travolta is a certified private pilot and owns five aircrafts. John Joseph Travolta was born on 18 February, 1954. He was raised a Roman Catholic, but not a Catholic at present. John attended Dwight Morrow High School, but dropped out in 1971 at the age of 17.

Travolta was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction. John won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for his performance in Get Shorty. In 2014, he has received the IIFA Award for Outstanding Achievement in International Cinema at the 15th IIFA Awards held at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida, in the United States.
 Anytime you see a V-jet in your area it means John Travolta is around.

Source: uarchitect


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